Citing RK-Opt

Are you using RK-Opt in research work to be published? If so, please include explicit mention of our work in your publication. We suggest language such as this:

“To solve problem (17), we used RK-Opt, a package for the design of numerical ODE solvers [1],[2]”

with the following entry in your bibliography:

[1] RK-Opt: A package for the design of numerical ODE solvers, version X.Y.Z. David I. Ketcheson, Matteo Parsani, Zachary J. Grant, Aron J. Ahmadia, and Hendrik Ranocha. July 2020.

with the appropriate version number inserted. It may also be appropriate to cite one of the following:

  • if you use the RK-coeff-opt package to optimize SSP coefficients, please reference [2].

  • If you use the RK-coeff-opt package to develop low-storage methods, please reference [3].

  • If you use the RK-coeff-opt package to optimize for accuracy, and/or enforce a given

    stability function, please reference [4].

  • If you use the RK-coeff-opt package to develop general linear methods, please reference [7].

  • If you use the polyopt package, please reference [5].

  • If you use the am_rad-opt package, please reference [6].

    [2] Highly Efficient Strong Stability Preserving Runge-Kutta Methods with Low-Storage Implementations. David I. Ketcheson, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 30(4):2113-2136 (2008)

    [3] Runge–Kutta methods with minimum storage implementations. David I. Ketcheson, Journal of Computational Physics, 229(5):1763-1773 (2010)

    [4] Optimized explicit Runge-Kutta schemes for the spectral difference method applied to wave propagation problems. Matteo Parsani, David I. Ketcheson, and W. Deconinck, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 35(2):A957-A986 (2013)

    [5] Optimal stability polynomials for numerical integration of initial value problems. David I. Ketcheson and Aron J. Ahmadia, Communications in Applied Mathematics and Computational Science, 7(2):247-271 (2012)

    [6] Computation of optimal monotonicity preserving general linear methods. David I. Ketcheson, Mathematics of Computation, 78(267):1497-1513 (2009)

    [7] Strong Stability Preserving Two-step Runge–Kutta Methods. David I. Ketcheson, Sigal Gottlieb, CB Macdonald, SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 2011;49(6):2618 (2011).

Also, please do let us know if you are using this software so we can add your work to our Applications section.